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Framing the Essence: Exploring Cultural Integration through Kubrick-Inspired Patagonian Architecture


Students Status

Camila Mancilla

Guillermo Müller

BArch Second Year



Universidad Austral de Chile


First Semester


Illustrator, Photoshop

The primary goal of this exercise is to instruct students in the application of one-point perspective and the integration of cultural values within visual representations. To achieve this, students are required to study a selection of Stanley Kubrick's critically-acclaimed films, such as The Shining, Full Metal Jacket, A Clockwork Orange, and 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Once a suitable frame featuring one-point perspective has been identified, students will trace the perspective lines within the scene, highlighting the visual construction employed by Kubrick. They will then reimagine the selected frame within the context of Chilean Patagonia, incorporating design elements and architectural characteristics typically found in vernacular architecture from this region.

The final result should be a cohesive fusion of Kubrick's cinematic artistry and the unique attributes of traditional Patagonian architecture, capturing the essence of local elements such as reclaimed wood, authentic kitchens, livestock grazing in expansive green fields, and other distinctive aspects the students consider as "local elements."

This exercise serves a dual purpose: not only does it enhance the students' proficiency in digital graphic tools, but also fosters an understanding of the interconnectedness between film, architecture, and the cultural impact of spatial representation found within Stanley Kubrick's filmography.

A Clockwork Orange
​Stanley Kubrick, 1971

The Shining
​Stanley Kubrick, 1980

2001: A Space Odyssey
​Stanley Kubrick, 1968

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